How advanced segmentation can help user personalization and increase conversions?
We are living in an information age where everything you see is driven by data. If you assume relying only on segmentation might help your product reach that level with users, you are wrong! As a marketer, your goal should not be to stop there but reach beyond — user personalization is the key to increasing conversions.
Data from segmentation is as static as it can get. As such it makes very little sense and you need to dissect it in a nonlinear fashion for it to add value to your strategies. To connect with your users, you need to personalize their experience on your site. Advanced segmentation will help you personalize user experience, create relevant connections based on audience behavior and this blog ponders upon it.
The journey from Segmentation to User Personalization and how you can do that!
Life of a multi-device Millennial
‘You hop and hop, we follow you’ has become the new age consumer targeting for advertisers. Earlier, when you wanted to shop online, you either browse an eCommerce site through your desktop or mobile device and make the purchase. Now, consumer shopping experience has become more complicated. Do you know why? The answer is cross-device segmentation!
Let’s consider an absolute example. You might browse for a backpack while on the way to work, on your tablet. Then get to work and see a push notification on your laptop which urges you to resume browsing, just before you make the purchase, a colleague tells you about the new backpack he liked and influences your decision. You research again using your mobile phone at lunch because you received an email asking if there were any hindrance in completing the purchase. Now you make up your mind, head back home where you use your desktop to make the purchase. Phew! How complicated did tracking this customer’s online behavior get?!
Thus you see how important cross-device segmentation applies to your consumers and in turn, your conversions. Your data was automatically synced in all of your devices to fit your needs. That’s the reason why you were able to complete the purchase as smoothly as possible.
As a marketer, understanding the segment data, precisely measuring the role of digital devices, working on the performance of mobile, laptop, tablet-friendly sites serve the purpose of driving user personalization and conversions.
Indulging a Demography
Chennai experiences a hot and humid climate in the months of April, May, June every year. What can be a better way to quench your thirst than gulping down fresh tender coconut water, as Uber says? On 13th of April this year, Uber users noticed an on-demand option in their app called #UberElaneer. It didn’t stop there, riders were delivered with 2 tender coconuts per request, free of cost.
With Uber getting a lot of slack for being a foreign brand on Indian soil, they proved to the locals that they understand the local climate much better than their local competitors. This is what user personalization can do!
Few eCommerce stores around the globe offer to ship to other countries when you purchase from their Global store. For example, Giant stores like AliExpress and Amazon understand the need of buyers globally, hence they allow you to purchase from all the countries in the World and there you go! Ship them to your doorstep with just a click of a button.
Doorstep to access your web
As you know, Zarget is an all-in-one conversion optimization suite with a chrome plugin that loads on top of your website with which you can create experiments, edit and delete them on the go.
The problem here — the Chrome extension is limited only to Chrome browser, of course! But what if some of our customers love Safari, that they do not wish to switch to Chrome? Since our customers might be missing out on the ease of working with the browser extension, we gently push them to download Chrome
P.S. Sundar Pichai won’t pay us for this 😉
Oh, it’s the OS! (or) OOPS! (Outstanding OS Personalization Schemes)
Have you noticed websites behaving differently in different operating systems? Something like this, maybe?
User Personalization gets real clever these days. With Operating System segmentation data, you will be able to know what operating system your consumers are using along with their browser version. If the product/software does not support that particular version of the OS, you could advise them to download the latest version.
Not every day counts in Retargeting
With “Day of week” segmentation, you can find which day of the week your consumers are active and target that day for running retargeting ads or promotions, instead of running them everyday, driving up costs.
For example, It’s Wednesday, you are in the mood for Chicken Teriyaki Sub. Yummy, you savor it! It’s the next Wednesday, you are too bored to have your routine lunch so you pick up your phone to order out. A message pops up saying “Would you like to repeat last week’s order?”
Cool way of user personalization, isn’t it? They get a rating from you as well as remind of your past order to trigger you to do the same this week or in the least case tempt you to do so.
That’s it. I know this is too much of me for having made you read till the end. Sorry for the long post this time, but hope you found it valuable.
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