Stick to your Passion to Savour Success

Sanjana Murali
5 min readApr 26, 2019


It is always hard to stick to a new habit. The reason behind this fact is that everyone in this fast-paced World wants transformation and over-night success out of their new habit. It creates a lot of hype when we come to know of someone who made billion dollar profit in a year of the start-up business or a musician who turns the World upside down with the success of his first hit. Behind all these action-packed and eerie transformation from people that we notice outside the box, there lies a lot of staying power in them who made the constant habit culture before their episode of success came into life.

The hypes that are created from the media source about these overnight successful people, fools you into reasoning that you will have to wait for the same magic to happen to you, as to how it happened to others. This is the biggest mistake that a lot of people make, they assume this transformation happens to them from an alien source and eventually they fail to focus on the habits and passion, which is what is going to make them achieve their dreams.

Behind the scenes of every successful person, there is always this secret “Start a new habit out of your passion, make it a constant practice and turn them into a big success without swamping yourself”.

Most people wait for the magical motivation from their conscience to drive them to cultivate their habit. Motivation doesn’t stay with us all the time. One day you feel a super dose of will power in you, the other day you feel exhausted by the stressful events in your daily life and you start thinking of the reasons to put off your habit until the next day. Instead of choosing motivation to urge you every day in your habit or goal, which is not a consistent medium to drive you always, as and when you require, you can live your habit by setting a visible reminder.

Set Visible Reminders

What you come across every day in your life as a mandatory segment can be utilized to set the visible reminder of your passion to prosper. We all have this basic routine in our life: Brushing, Morning tea, Shower, Travelling, Dinner, Bedtime. These parts of our everyday life can be utilized to set a visible reminder for your new habit.

Few examples: Before I have my breakfast, I meditate for 60 seconds. After I get on the bus to reach my office, I read the newspaper. When I have lunch, I read one article.

This small behavior can actually turn yourself into a great habit holder of life without you being overwhelmed by this new type of behavior in action. Therefore, instead of relying on your motivation to move you forward with your new habit, focus on making a visible reminder and make it a daily part of your life. The habit you want to cultivate can be of a kind, from small to big: Lose weight, spend less, write a book, improve communication, boxing, etc.

Why I tell you motivation cannot make you sit on the couch for a long time is that, as the day passes by it starts to sour and you feel yourself in the rock bottom of the old habit again. Going for YouTube videos to get inspiration, even which as a surprise burns out after a week of constant effort. You cannot rely on motivation to make big changes in your life. You have to become the person who you want to be. You have to make that a habit. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, if you only work when you feel motivated, then you will never be consistent enough to make a significant impact on your life.

Constant Practice

Once you find the difference between motivation and setting a visible reminder, you should try to bring that habit into constant practice. Here again, you don’t have to wait for the motivation part to compel yourself in making your habit a daily constant practice.

For instance, Let us assume you want to become a writer, and you have put your schedule to two days a week for article writing. Sometimes, the article might be shorter than your goal, or at times lacks in quality that you expected of to write and many a time it feels worthless to share, whatever it be, just make sure that you show it to the World. It is not about how good you write, it is always about how consistent enough, you are in writing to make a significant impact in your life as a writer. If you stop focusing on the results and just stick to the schedule of writing every day, you will notice a drastic change in the future for having produced good quality and quantity content.

You allow certain space in a day to finish your 1000 words writing, now you find that there are only 10 minutes left in a day to write because of your busy schedule that ruined your time you allotted for everyday writing. Don’t give up, if you can’t complete 1000 words that you probably were writing for the past few days and now you get stressed that you cannot complete your 1000 word schedule in 10 minutes of time, It is absolutely okay to just write down how much ever you can in that stipulated time. Always remember, it is not about how good you write or finish your task, it is about how consistent you are every day with your writing. On a daily basis, the impact of writing for 10 minutes isn’t that significant, especially when you had planned to write 1000 words a day. But, the impact of always staying on schedule is a mammoth.

At last, it is always important to celebrate your work, there is nothing as rewarding as your own words for the work you complete, how big or insignificant it may seem. Positive self-talk, like, “ Great job”, “ I am a success”, “ Very good progress”, “Good start”, “ Awesome baby, I just love you!” Can actually make you feel good about yourself and will always push you towards working more and more to produce better results than the last time. It sounds silly, but research has proven that the reward that you give to yourselves, can make a significant impact on the progress of your life.

Now, I hope, the secret “Start a new habit out of your passion, make it a constant practice and turn them into a big success without swamping yourself” definitely makes sense.

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Sanjana Murali
Sanjana Murali

Written by Sanjana Murali

Product Marketing Manager @ Leadfeeder | YouTuber — | Eternal writer — content is my love ❤

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