Transform Your Thoughts And Be a Life Long Student
“If you cannot change this World, then change the perspective of how you see this World”
This line can throw many insights in many different ways as one can view this. The violence creators in the country are those who can be disguised as innocents. It is not that they were born as savage humankind, the surroundings in which they grew to be influenced their mind and actions to be a cruel kind. The violence creators, money launderers, kidnappers, blackmailers, illegal workers are those innocent people in this country who were denied proper education system because their parents did not have the funding to even raise their children. The major root cause of why people turn out to be massive killers or violence creators is just this simple fact. But, the realization of this simple fact always seems to be an extraordinary thing to mankind.
Why there is this emphasis on providing proper education system?
I believe that you and I are able to read this article because we are given a basic education from our childhood; we are even gifted to have born to a family who is able to fund us for our education throughout. What is the condition of those children in poverty and below the poverty line? They are born as innocent and they grow to be innocent creating frivols and trifles for even simple things in which they cannot resist to fight to solve an issue.
You and I cannot involve ourselves in these types of violence against our country, because we have the proper maturity, we have the proper educational background, we have a broad mind to think, we have so much responsibilities on our shoulder to be taken care of instead of wasting our time in killing and kidnapping for nothing in return except Central Bureau of Investigation at the doorstep.
But, the condition of actual violence creators are different, they have no responsibility, no education, no maturity. They are eventually narrow-minded people who can only think of the downsides of whatever they approach.
The country is taking so many efforts to provide awareness to the rural areas about the importance of education and is also taking further steps in providing free education to those children. Still, the problem doesn’t end. Because it is not done with much devotion. It is all done with much politics.
How many females are the creators of violence? Then, what is the reason behind this famous saying, “ You educate a man, you educate a man, you educate a woman, you educate a generation “, instead of this, if it goes like “ Educate a woman to curtail man’s dominance and Educate a man to curtail violence” could make some sense. In both cases, you educate a generation!
Good, Overly Good. Bad, Overly Bad.
When there is God, there is always an Evil. When there is a positive pole, there is always a negative pole, when there is a synonym, there is always an antonym, when there is salt, and there is always sugar. When there are good people, surely there must be bad people. If this is not balanced then there is no reason for the World’s existence. Yes, we all agree with this. But, there is also another condition that we all must agree to. There are four kinds of people in this World: Good people, overly good people, Bad people, and overly bad people. Good people are those you find in every nook and corner of the room. In every 10 people, there will be 8 good people. And those overly good people are very rare. People praise the overly good people to be equivalent to Gods as Maha Atma, Gurus, Noble, Hero, Saints and so much more nouns as it applies. Yes, it is inevitable to possess such overly good people along with many good people. Because, their mere existence in this World is so much worth to the common good people, they learn, explore, create, invent from these overly good people.
The overly good people serve as role models, the architecture, the blueprint, the mockup for the predominant of the good people. The third category of the people is depicted as bad: They don’t commit any such barbarous crimes or devastation. They are ‘silent’ bad people, the mistakes committed by them are not worth punishable, even if it is, it cannot extend beyond certain weeks or months, and they always make some efforts to change themselves to get named as good at least in the near future.
Now, a certain point comes to the overly bad people: The large devastation causers. Any country doesn’t want people from this category. They prove no use to the positive track of life. Only these very few overly bad people in the World are such massive devastation causers. To get rid of this category there is always this emphasizing on providing proper education is spoken for. These overly bad people are only 20% when compared to the 80% of the overly good, good and bad people. At this point, we must pay respect to Vilfredo Pareto, the Italian economist, who discovered the 80/20 principle in 1897, by focusing on the 20% so that the 80% of everything will be taken care of, as how if we take care of the minutes in our life, the hours will take care of themselves.
Yes, there are few, ‘Modern day’ overly bad people, who exploit the nation using modern day technologies and social networking sites. These people are extra-terrestrials as they can be.
It is too late to talk about violence spread when it must have been spoken and take appropriate action when every child in this country was born. It all starts from the root. From scratch. But, it is not too late to take appropriate action to educate our future generations, to teach them the maturity, to open up their mind, to inculcate the values needed, to show them the right path, to inspire them to follow the overly good and good people.